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Destiny Fulfilment

THEME: DESTINY FULFILMENT LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION TEXT: ISAIAH 60:11 Our success in life is tied to the fulfilment of our divine destiny. Destiny could mean the things that will happen in the future or the force that controls what happens in the future and is outside human control. We should view destiny as something that is discoverable and not decisive. God decides our destiny and we discover it. Proverb 16:9, Proverb 20:24. This year God has assured us of destiny fulfilment. 1) Every man has a destiny: Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 3:9-12 There is a divine purpose behind every divine destiny. Nobody is in the world as a mistake - we are divinely sent, placed and equipped- Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 37:23. One of the major role of God in a man's life is to ordain his destiny in him and guide him to accomplish it. 2) Man's Role in destiny fulfilment: Genesis 1:27-31, Genesis 3:14-18 Remember that God made man to be a co-creator. To the Christian man, he is the visible and tangible
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Engaging in evangelical works

THEME- POPULATING GOD’S KINGDOM TOPIC- ENGAGING IN EVANGELICAL WORKS TEXT-  ROMANS 1:16 , 1 COR 9:16 INTRODUCTION To win a soul is to catch that soul for the Lord; to see him added to the Lord, not merely to the local church attendance. Every soul is won by the Lord Himself but He uses and is dependent upon his children for the accomplishment of his purpose. We are to be used to introduce Christ to the needy souls-  John 1:40-42 A GOING CHURCH -  MARK 16:15-18 A going church is a growing church likewise the going Christian. You must engage in the operation “go ye” to grow in the right pattern of Christ Jesus. God gives the ”going anointing” and not “a staying anointing”. The availability of ready vessels causes the oil to keep flowing –  2 Kings 4:6 Jesus Christ went about –  Acts 10:38 Jonah went to Nineveh-  Jonah 1:2 Paul & Barnabas went out-  Acts 13:1-4 Timothy was sent- 1 Cor 4:17 We should be a going church –  Matthew 28:19-20 . USE YOUR BEST As C


THEME- POPULATING GOD’S KINGDOM TOPIC- MAKING FISHERS OF MEN 2 TEXT- MARK 1:17-22 INTRODUCTION Last week studied and understood the four major points that Jesus Christ used in the making of his disciples so that they can be effective soul winners. Today our aim is to be made fishers of men according to God’s will. Let us in sincerity answer these questions below: Ever since you became a believer, have you experienced the salvation of another person through your life or preaching? If yes, how long ago? Can you make a list of people who are strong in their faith and are growing spiritually because of your own Christian life? WE ARE ALL CHRIST EMPLOYEES- MATTHEW 28:18-19, JOHN 20:21 The call of salvation is a spiritual enrolment into the office of responsibility as a soul winner; it is not a call into laziness, selfishness and lukewarmness- John 9:4, Luke 9:57-62. Soul winning is a product of spiritual wisdom- Proverb 11:30, Daniel 12:2-3, Dan 12:2-3. The world needs Jesus bu


THEME- POPULATING GOD’S KINGDOM TOPIC- MAKING FISHERS OF MEN 1 TEXT- MATTHEW 4:18-19, MARK 1:16-17 INTRODUCTION The heartbeat of God is evangelizing the whole world for the purpose of soul winning according to Matthew 28:19-20 which is popularly known as the great commission but following the footsteps of Jesus Christ on this subject, we discovered that Jesus first of all made the fishers of men who will go out to fish/win others. Today, we shall consider the steps in making of the fishers of men who are supposed to be us: To be kept in God’s name- John 17:3, John 17:12, John 5:11-13 Jesus Christ did the first thing; which is to make them carry the name of God- meaning to be born of God, the family of God: surnamed of God and has eternal life. We must belong to God; be of the tribe of God and recognized as His people- Romans 8:14-15. With the seal of ownership- Ephesians 1:13 and the Holy Spirit bearing witness with our spirit about our salvation- Romans 8:16, John 20:22-23.


THEME- POPULATING GOD’S KINGDOM TOPIC- FOLLOW UP TEXT- ACTS 15:36-41 INTRODUCTION The term follow up is scriptural and it is very important if we need a healthy, mature and established church. Follow up is likened to the mother-child relationship. A mother that gives birth to a child should stay close to the child and nuture him. Although we have follow-up department in the church, the work to follow up new believers is for every Christian. QUALITIES OF A GOOD FOLLOW UP CHRISTIAN WORKER POSSESS THE RIGHT PASSION- ACTS 15:36, ROM 15:24, PHIL 1:3-8, 1 THESS 3:5-10. Paul had a great concern for the welfare of the converts of their missionary journey. A soul winner needs to give more priority and attention to follow up converts until the babes in Christ are built up to be disciples. POSSESS THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND APPROACH- 2 PETER 1:5-7, MATTHEW 5:14-16 The follow up worker must be natural and friendly. He must be very courteous. Keep to appointments. The follow up workers m


(1) FRENCH DEMEURER DANS SA PRESENCE TEXTE PRINCIPAL : EXODE 33 :14 ‘’Je marcherai moi même avec toi, et je te donnerai du repos’’. ‘’Oui, le Bonheur et la grâce m’accompagneront tous les jours de ma vie et j’habiterai dans la maison de l’Eternel jusqu'à la fin de mes jours’’. – Psaumes 23 :6 L’une des choses que Dieu a promise aux enfants d’Israël alors qu’ils étaient dans leur périple vers la Terre Promise est que Sa présence serait avec eux. Vous avez besoin de la présence de Dieu tout au long de votre vie. C’est en demeurant dans la présence de Dieu que Dieu vous parle. Mais comment rester continuellement dans la présence de Dieu ? Comment emmener sa présence dans votre vie au quotidien ? Nous demeurons continuellement dans la présence de Dieu en consacrant notre temps à l’étude et la méditation de la Parole, en trouvant du temps pour L’adorer véritablement (Jean 4 :23- 24), s’engageant dans la prière et le jeun et en observant nos dévotions chrétiennes quotidiennes


(1) FRENCH CET HOMME JESUS  TEXTE PRINCIPAL : MARC 16-6 ‘’Il leur dit : ne vous épouvantez pas ; vous cherchez Jésus de Nazareth, le crucifié ; il est ressuscité, il n’est pas ici ; voici l’endroit où on l’avait déposé’’. Marc 15:39 ‘’…Cet homme était vraiment le Fils de Dieu’’. Frères, nous devons redécouvrir la vérité sans prix et intemporelle annoncée au monde par cet humble charpentier originaire d’une ville appelée Nazareth de la région de Galilée il y a 2000 ans. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse être, cet Homme est ici pour marcher avec vous. Il a dit, ‘’je ne t’abandonnerai et je ne te délaisserai point’’. Vous devrez croire en ses promesses tout comme ses avertissements. Vous devrez observer ceux qui L’ont suivi et comprendre pourquoi ils ont été attristés par l’orgueil et l’obstination de ceux qui L’ont rejeté. Jésus Christ est notre Seigneur et Sauveur personnel. Il nous a donné la joie et la liberté lorsqu’il a conquis la mort. Il a présenté une nouvelle façon de vivre.